Telepresence Avatar
Speak, explore, interact, and experience as if you are Loomo. The telepresence mode allows you to have Loomo’s world right in the palm of your hands!
Segway Loomo Robot is the smartest most capable personal vehicle ever- with best-in-class powerful Segway-Ninebot mobility plus intel Realsense™ technology.
With its advanced computer vision, Loomo can follow you autonomously, shoot stabilized pictures or videos, and more.
Loomo's visual system consists of an object Detection and Tracking System (DTS) and a Human Understanding System (HUS). As a result, Loomo can reliably move to a provided destination, smoothly track and follow its target, and avoid obstacles in its path.
Unlike other consumer robots, the Loomo can be used both indoors and outdoors in almost any type of terrain. Can easily travel 35 km (22 miles) in one charge and up to 18 km/h (11 mph).
Speak, explore, interact, and experience as if you are Loomo. The telepresence mode allows you to have Loomo’s world right in the palm of your hands!
You can use Loomo’s Android SDK to directly access Loomo’s full range mobility and AI capabilities to build a range of playful features or practical solutions. Customize your Loomo with features suitable for your work and leisure.
Your Loomo will grow with you! Loomo will continuously update its software and applications to include new features to impress and surprise you.
LOOMO contains Intel RealSense ZR300 camera for precision and clarity. This allows for High Definition 1080P captures, accurate depth sensing and fluid motion tracking, which enables 3D perception, robot mapping and obstacle avoidance.